
Why Trust Windows Virtual Desktop?

Why Trust Windows Virtual Desktop?

Microsoft employs more than 3,500 security experts completely dedicated to your data security and privacy. Work confidently and know your organization's data is safe when you use Windows Virtual Desktop. Click here to find out how, and contact AccuTech International to learn more.

Transition to Cloud Deployment checklist

Transition to Cloud Deployment checklist

Smart businesses know that cloud transformation equals stability and agility. You can make the transition easily with Microsoft 365—products that are uniquely positioned to help build resilience, enabling higher end-user productivity, and help save money. Review the infographic and get started today with this 5-step deployment checklist. Learn how you can rapidly deploy Teams, secure access, provide employees with support, and more.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

As we look forward to a New Year, the team at AccuTech International would like to express our gratitude for your support in 2021. Wishing you and yours health, happiness, peace and success in 2022. Happy New Year!

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

During this season, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and the customers who've helped shape our business. In this spirit, we say thank you and send best wishes to you and yours for the holiday season.

Subscribe Now

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Microsoft is working around the clock to bring you best-in-class experiences, whether you're in-office or at home. Don't miss the latest features Windows Virtual Desktop has to offer. Subscribe to learn more.

Security and privacy with an integrated portfolio of cloud services

Security and privacy with an integrated portfolio of cloud services

Security and compliance budgets have gone up to better defend infrastructures in remote or hybrid work scenarios. Secure your business with technology you can trust, ensure only the right users have access without affecting productivity, and protect your data through security best practices and easy-to-use policies that prevent accidental data leaks. Microsoft 365 enables a safe transformation to the cloud. Sign up to say connected—we'll help you learn more about making the transition to the cloud and into a more secure environment.

Taking internal communication to the next level with Microsoft Teams

Communication among team members and between different teams, especially when they're in different locations, can be a huge challenge--but it doesn't have to be an obstacle to collaboration and teamwork. Watch this video to discover why Red Lion Hotels (RLH) trusted Microsoft Teams to integrate all its corporate needs into one internal communications tool. Then contact AccuTech International to find out how we can do the same for your organization.

Goodyear drives more remote collaboration to keep plants running with Microsoft Teams

As a company dedicated to keeping people moving, Goodyear tire company wasn't about to slow down because of global travel restrictions due to COVID-19. When engineers could no longer travel to factories for equipment installation or troubleshooting, Goodyear turned to Microsoft Teams running on RealWear voice controlled, assisted-reality wearable computers to bring the engineering experts into the plants virtually—enabling instantaneous collaboration from remote locations, and saving money on travel costs.

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