
Customer story: Toronto Zoo

Customer story: Toronto Zoo

At the Toronto Zoo, employees not only compile and analyze data about 450 animal species, but they must also share their findings with partners around the world. This is no small task, but using #Office365, employees have migrated from pen and paper charting and tracking to cloud-based collaboration. This move has made them more agile and revolutionized their work. What about you? Have you made the move? At AccuTech International, we can help. Contact us to find out how. #WhyCloud

Customer Story: SitePro – part 3

Customer Story: SitePro – part 3

In order to continuously provide value to their oil and gas customers, SitePro needed a system that was quick for them to implement and truly offered the benefits of a digital oil field by providing up-to-the-minute data to their customers. That's why SitePro switched to Azure, whose multiple capabilities work together to provide a stable, accessible, and scalable platform from which to run their turnkey application. Curious about which Azure offerings could be out there ready to enhance your business? At AccuTech International, we want to help you find out. Contact us to learn more.

Don’t Miss Another Post from AccuTech International

Don’t Miss Another Post from AccuTech International

What matters more than data protection? Nothing. With your customers' data in the #Azure cloud, they gain not only agility, cost savings (up to 50 percent), and competitive advantage--but also the benefits of built-in backup, disaster recovery, and security. So while #Azure helps speed your customers' digital transformation and fuels their business growth, it also gives them that most valuable of benefits: peace of mind, knowing their data is safe in the cloud. Maybe that's why 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies trust the Azure cloud.

Microsoft migrates 150,000 mailboxes to Exchange Online

Microsoft migrates 150,000 mailboxes to Exchange Online

How important is your employees' time? With today's workforce spending more time on email, it's time you prioritize your workers' email system. AccuTech International is here to help you integrate a solution that will help your employees get their time back. With Exchange Online, your people need less time to support your email system, which frees them up for other projects. The guaranteed business continuity supports workplace flexibility adding to the flexibility of your workforce. With more time, imagine what important tasks your team could focus on. Contact us today for more information on how we can help.

Day in the life–Financial services

Day in the life–Financial services

As a financial services professional, your day is likely packed with many tasks; checking your email probably consumes a lot of your day. At AccuTech International, we know that you could be saving valuable time in your day by maximizing the potential of your email provider. Microsoft business-class email and calendaring products help you stay on top of what matters with a clear, unified view of your email, calendar, and contacts. With Microsoft, stay connected wherever you are. Let us help you integrate this amazing solution, so you can free up time in your day. Contact us for more information.

SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 end of support is coming

SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 end of support is coming

A lot has changed since 2008. Over the past decade or so, Microsoft has made huge improvements to its server offerings with hybrid cloud solutions, more robust security, and advanced analytic capabilities. With end of support here for SQL Server 2, now is the time to start benefitting from these upgrades at your organization. AccuTech International is here to help you make a smooth transition. Contact us to start the process today.

The total economic impact of Microsoft Azure SQL Database managed instance

The total economic impact of Microsoft Azure SQL Database managed instance

What can you gain by moving from an on-premises SQL Server to Azure? One of biggest benefits according to this Forrester financial impact study is the infrastructure maintenance savings. Add on all the hidden savings like more time for IT and database admins and the flexibility to expand capacity on demand -- and moving becomes a no-brainer. So what are you waiting for? AccuTech International is here to help you take the next step when you're ready.

3 Ways to Keep Customer Information Secure

3 Ways to Keep Customer Information Secure

Customer data comprises various types, from account details and login credentials to email passwords and health reports. Companies and their respective marketing heads use this data to better engage with customers in a relevant fashion. At the same time, losing a customer’s sensitive data means incurring serious repercussions. For a company, losing customer data affects...

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