How can AccuTech International allay your organization's cybersecurity concerns? Drop a comment to reach out to a AccuTech International @Microsoft Security solutions expert and discuss next steps. @Microsoft Security #BeFearless
Bekaert Migrates Virtual Desktops to Azure, Builds Highly Secure, Agile, Connected Workplace
If a highly secure, agile and connected workplace sounds appealing, read about how @Microsoft @Azure Virtual Desktop delivered exactly that for a Belgium-based steel manufacturer. When you're done reading, let us know if you'd like to discuss Azure solutions with a AccuTech International Microsoft expert.
What results can you gain by migrating @Microsoft Dynamics to the cloud? Contact us for an assessment. #MSDyn365
What results can you gain by migrating @Microsoft Dynamics 365 to the cloud? Well, for starters you can eliminate on-premises infrastructure costs and greatly reduce the burden on IT systems administrators. Contact us for an assessment. #MSDyn365
Sustainable Jeans and Sneakers Manufacturer Chooses Microsoft 365 to Stay One Step Ahead
As your SMB grows, do you struggle with the complexity of managing IT and your growing workforce? How can @Microsoft 365 help? For ideas, read this success story on how Microsoft 365 helps jeans manufacturer 1083 operate efficiently and enjoy enhanced security while giving management the time to focus on running a clothing brand rather than IT complexity. #MicrosoftSecurity #CloudSecurity #BeFearless
Unleash the Power of Your Small Business with Microsoft 365
Are your productivity and collaboration tools tailored to your organization's unique needs and challenges? Read the @Microsoft blog to gain insight on how they can be. When you're done, contact a Microsoft 365 expert from AccuTech International for a free consultation. #MicrosoftSecurity #CloudSecurity #BeFearless
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Migration Program Overview
The best way to move to the cloud is with end-to-end migration support from @Microsoft advisors and migration partners. Watch the Microsoft Dynamics365 video for an overview of the Dynamics 365 Migration Program. Contact us to discuss how the team at AccuTech International can help you with your Dynamics 365 migration. #MSDyn365
The New World of Time Management in an Age of Hybrid Work
From collaborating with different teams to spending time on daily operational activities, tracking time helps companies detect and weed out inefficiencies in their processes. Read the @Microsoft blog to gain insight on approaching the hybrid workday more efficiently and effectively. After you're done with the blog, DM us to find out how a Microsoft hybrid work expert from AccuTech International can help you optimize your hybrid work environment with Microsoft Teams and other productivity tools.
Forrester TEI Report
Have you examined implementing a Zero Trust framework? Download the Forrester report to learn why now's the time to start your Zero Trust journey. When you're done with the report, AccuTech International can help you better understand the benefits associated with implementing the @Microsoft Zero Trust architecture. Get in touch to discuss next steps. #MicrosoftSecurity #CloudSecurity #BeFearless
A successfully set up hybrid office is one that provides space for human moments. Book a meeting to discuss how a @Microsoft expert from AccuTech International can help you make “human moments” happen regularly.
When a hybrid work environment is properly set up, "human moments" happen where people are energized to empathize with each other, enhancing organizational culture and collaboration. Book a meeting to discuss how AccuTech International can help you create a hybrid work environment where "human moments" happen. @Microsoft #hybridwork
What is your approach to evaluating ERP solutions? Contact us to set up a meeting with a @MSFTDynamics365 expert from AccuTech International. #MSDyn365
What is your approach to evaluating ERP solutions? Contact us to set up a meeting with a @Microsoft Dynamics 365 expert from AccuTech International to help you find the ideal ERP solution for your organization. #MSDyn365