
Basic IT Security Guidelines

The following are just some of the basic security IT guidelines that we should follow and, if implemented properly, they could significantly reduce the likelihood of infection by ransomware or any other future type of attacks:

  1. Implement a reputable AV solution and ensure that all PCs, laptops, and mobile devices are kept up to date with the latest versions and signatures.
  2. Implement a means to keep all devices patched with the latest versions and patches for all key software employed on those computers.
  3. Block all outgoing I2P and other peer-to-peer network traffic at the firewall to prevent infected computers communicating with their masters and receiving further instructions.
  4. Subscribe to a reliable threat intelligence source which will regularly update you with details of malicious and suspicious URLs, domains, and IP addresses on the Internet. Access to these malicious and suspicious URLs, domains, and IP addresses should then be blocked.
  5. Install ad-blocking software on your firewall to prevent infections via malicious ads on websites.
  6. Disable ActiveX content in the Microsoft Office Suite of applications. Many computer viruses use macros to take advantages of ActiveX and download malware onto the vulnerable PC.
  7. Look at ways to block executable files from the %APPDATA% and %TEMP% paths on computers with the Microsoft Windows OS installed. These folders are often used by malicious software to download and execute files associated with ransomware and other malicious software.
  8. For Windows-based computers use Software Restriction Policies to allow only authorized software to run on your computers.
  9. Remove local admin access to Windows-based computers, and the equivalent for other operating systems, to minimize the likelihood of malware being installed on the device by the user.
  10. Look at ways to segment your network so that you can control network traffic or isolate parts of your network to contain an outbreak.
  11. Run regular security awareness training campaigns to enable users to identify and deal with potential threats.



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